Kentico CMS for Your E-Commerce Site

By | December 8, 2018

Kentico is proprietary CMS using ASP and NET as the core platform. Developer relies on Microsoft product to build powerful CMS. There are many features from basic to the advanced ones after you install it. This CMS is capable to create website, e-commerce, online community, SharePoint and collaborative project, platform, intranet, and online marketing. E-commerce is a website as online store whether as full marketplace or just partial one. In order to get proper e-commerce, you need advanced feature from Kentico.


Knowing the Features of e-Commerce Kentico CMS


When creating e-commerce, you need a tool to build system that can do trading, purchasing, payment, and related activity. Customers will visit your site and decide to explore the products. What do you need to support their intention? The website has menu that shows product, category, shopping card, payment option, membership, shipping management, etc.


  1. Product categorization, bundled, and search feature

The product categorization is a feature in Kentico CMS to manage and arrange products based on particular group. You can create category and sub category to put the products. Do not forget to add tag, name, and description. Then, improve search tool to make sure consumers can find what they are looking for. The next thing is product bundled. In e-commerce, you may find bundle service where two or more products are at a single package.


  1. Analytics and tracking

Interactive e-commerce has capability to track and analyze the transaction. This feature is what you need to create ranking based on several levels. For example, consumers want to know the top selling product, the most recent one, and the cheapest one. Those are necessary tool in e-commerce.


  1. Payment and currency

The main purpose to build e-commerce is selling product. In that case, Kentico CMS has payment and currency feature to make sure the checkout process is done until the payment is completed. Kentico provides payment gateway based on web developer’s need. Nowadays, most payment is online using credit card or PayPal. If you need different system, customize this part to adjust your e-commerce. The payment also goes side by side with currency.


  1. Membership

Membership feature means the tool to create online account. To purchase products, buyers can choose to either register or only come as guest. Most visitors in e-commerce will turn into member before doing the transaction. That’s why the website needs tools to maintain users and memberships. Kentico CMS can build such thing and you have option to customize it. In membership feature, you get the tools for message, chat, online track, and other supporting sections.


  1. Shipping

The products consist of intangible and tangible ones. You may sell voucher, which is intangible where shipping is not complicated. On the other hand, tangible product requires excellent shipping management. The feature will have calculator, shipping provider, tracking etc.


  1. Report and reward system

The report system is important in e-commerce as well. As provider and developer, you need to standby 24/7 to support customer. The chat service is ready anytime. Most importantly, you can detect the report and complaint immediately. Moreover, you can provide reward like discount or point for customer transaction. Both features are available in Kentico CMS.