Category Archives: business

Tips and Trick When Using Kentico CMS

Kentico is known as web platform which comes with a complete package, such as e-commerce, online marketing, and CMS. This innovation enables you to create a complete website as well as fulfill the digital customer’s experience through the multiple features. Due to its all-in-one support, you can save the resources and time in developing your… Read More »

Kentico CMS for Your E-Commerce Site

Kentico is proprietary CMS using ASP and NET as the core platform. Developer relies on Microsoft product to build powerful CMS. There are many features from basic to the advanced ones after you install it. This CMS is capable to create website, e-commerce, online community, SharePoint and collaborative project, platform, intranet, and online marketing. E-commerce… Read More »

What is kentico CMS?

Web developers rely on CMS in order to create intuitive and interactive website. In simple term, CMS means Content Management System as platform to make website as easy as posting contents. Moreover, you can modify, expand, edit, adjust, and customize the content to fit website feature, including e-commerce. One of recommended CMS is Kentico with… Read More »

How to Make Money from Blogging

Blogging has been a great hobby for many people, especially those who have excellent passion in writing. Blogging is also a nice way to express the things you like or the things you are passionate about. If you think that blogging is just like that and there is nothing more it can do, you are… Read More »

How to Get More Traffic to Your Website?

The point of running a website is to get lots of visitors, or so called traffic. When numerous people visit your website, your website becomes popular. As the result, it will end up on page one on search engines and even more people will become aware of its existence. Having a popular, well-known, website is… Read More »

MariaDB vs MySQL

When it comes to database, MySQL seems to be the safest option of all. It has been around for over 15 years and it has been used by countless developers. MySQL is also free to use, thus perfect for those with limited budget. Its open-source type also makes it even better for everyone to use… Read More »

Top 5 Features of Drupal CMS

Website is an important tool to develop a business today. The fact that internet has been widely used throughout the world; developing business through website is considered effective. In one condition, you need to be able to maintain the website to offer incredible experience for customers and clients. Drupal is an open source platform which… Read More »